

Too Broke For Bandcamp ☭ is a column that highlights new and noteworthy releases on bandcamp that are either FREE or very very CHEAP.

It’s good praxis to pay something if you have it and want to support the artist. Artists labor is not free! Sometimes we are simply too damn broke. That’s okay! In this case make sure to sign up for the mailing list when you download, and consider sharing on social media! It’s also beneficial for an artist to have their release pop up on your bandcamp download page for other people to discover. If the artist has other releases that are not free, maybe you’ll purchase those at some point as well.

This brings us to a novel release out today from our friend Andrew Anderson. He is known the world over as a member of bands like Freak Genes, Proto Idiot, and Hipshakes. He’s assembled an album that he’s released today under his own name, and it’s called Clean Yerself.

The song I’ve plucked from the set to showcase is called “I Don’t Like Music”, it’s a great hybrid between kind of KBD sounding punk that is steeped in some subtle UK DIY oddball synth wave flourishes. Plus it’s really catchy and kind of pop. I also like the lyrics because I often get burnt on what I’m hearing, nothing quite catching my ear, feeling bored or uninspired and like an overall fuddy-duddy, and this punk anthem kind of encapsulates that feeling, even if it’s actually poking a little fun at that inclination while doing it. I’d say it sounds most like Freak Genes. What I know for sure is there are tunes like this one on Clean Yerself that are certainly worth the price of admission: FREE!, so go give it a download on Bandcamp.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=190730799 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=e99708 tracklist=false artwork=small track=1001708339]


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Courtney DelMar

Aside from writing about bands for 50THIRDAND3RD, CJDelMar runs the Girlsville Records imprint out of Portland, OR. Girlsville is home to bands like COACHWHIPS, HOOD RATS, TOWANDA, MR. AIRPLANE MAN, VIRVON VARVON, & THE PRISSTEENS. girlsville.bandcamp.com

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