I DON’T KNOW WHAT OREGON state senator Jeff Merkley orders the Portland water supply be spiked with on a regular basis, but it sure as hell ain’t the run of the mill fluoride and arsenic that the rest of us doomed saps have grown accustomed to. Whatever it is -I like to think that it’s LSD- it’s working over that city’s underground music scene into a honed, angular punk and post-punk paradise. And leading the charge in the area of good old angular post post-punk combined with a bit of the old Portland angst and rebellious backlash are LITHICS.
Summoning cattle-calls of The Fall and The Pop Group as well as the odd nod here and there to a painstakingly researched reference library of punk influence, as well as slanting their own unique nipple-twist on things, LITHICS drive home a rhythm that not only smacks of a blood-boiling politico-beat, but is fucking good fun as well.
With a pending tour in May -including an album launch at The Spare Room in Portland on the 26th- to support upcoming album Mating Surfaces, LITHICS will be performing a handful of shows towards the end of March in Reno, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle.
But the celebration today is this, the onslaught of track one from the upcoming Mating Surfaces (Kill Rock Stars) album, ‘Excuse Generator’. If this banger sets the tone for the rest of the album, then fuck me swinging, it’s gonna be a cracker!
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3820636070 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff tracklist=false artwork=small track=3703595232]
Pre-order Mating Surfaces right here.
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