
Record of the Day is On the Lips by Frankie Cosmos

frankie cosmosThis song has a hook that gets into my head and stays there for me to bounce around and hum throughout this crazy thing I am calling my life. I heard this song the other day and it has been on repeat, both in my head and in my car. “On the Lips” is off of Frankie Cosmos album Next Thing released a month ago via Bayonet Records. If you are curious, and you should be, the whole album is quite delicious. Stream it though her bandcamp then you should buy it and blast it throughout your life. Each song is as good as the last, creeping into your soul and giving you that bubbly lo-fi, loving feel. Current members of the band are Greta Kline, David Maine, Luke Pyenson and Gabrielle Smith. Little side note, Frankie Cosmos, aka Greta Kline is the talented offspring of actress Phoebe Cates and actor Kevin Kline… The group is currently on tour and they are based out of New York City.

Next Thing was made by:
Greta Kline
Aaron Maine
David Maine
Gabrielle Smith
& Hunter Davidsohn
at Business District Recording

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I am a Nashville girl who loves any kind of music you can throw her way! If I can write about that experience, you will see my passion.

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