
Physical Review: Swamps: Swamp the Man: 12 inch Green Swamp Vinyl

Hey Kids its time for another physical review! This one takes us to a record that was put out September 15th 2019 in St. Malo, France by Permanent Freak Records. Swamps is a rock n roll noise making demon from Hokkaido, Japan. This beautiful record comes equipped with the sounds of the hounds of hell. The growls of a mad man bent on the drugs of rock n roll. The music sounds as if Hazel Atkins had a baby with Howling wolf. Trashy,bluesy, and right up my alley!  One of my favorite tracks from the entire album is the racing mad blues punk bender called “Evil Knievel was a Great Escapee” the growl of the vocals and the fast shrieking guitar are like heaven to my ear holes! Enjoy for yourself here: [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2060937009 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=9a64ff track=1544229018]

Get your own copy over at Permanent Freak’s Bandcamp:  [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2060937009 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=9a64ff]

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Benny Fuzz

Born in a New York alley, raised in a California trash can, one badass fuckin Boogie Man.

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