
New Music from Brooklyn Experimental Punk Rockers, CUP: “U Don’t Like This Cup”

Brooklyn-based CUP is out with their fifth, that’s right, fifth record this year, U Don’t Like This Cup. A side project from members of Queen Giza, CUP aims to be a bit more experimental and absurd. Their latest effort doesn’t disappoint in that regard. U Don’t Like This Cup is a hodgepodge of songs about waking up and existing when shit continually goes wrong. As one member of the band eloquently put it, “It’s about waking up with crust in your eyes and cooking under a nuclear sun, getting punched in your gut by some motherfucker and cleaning yourself up with some bleach.” I don’t know about you guys, but that’s sort of how 2016 has felt, and I’m hoping 2017 provides more than bleach to sort out this nonsense. But until then, CUP provides a cacophony of distraction. Rowdy drums and crashing guitars hammer their way through the record making it hard to digest, and all the more punk rock.


You can follow CUP here:

Instagram: @cupbandwow





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Joe Strummer made me do it.

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